1) Who are you? North Quadra Community Association, NQCA.
2) What does your group do?
We work to foster and maintain working relationships with North Quadra residents, Saanich Council and staff, business and service organizations, developers, special interest groups, and other community associations for the betterment of our community. We also work to ensure that any land use development in the North Quadra area has appropriate scrutiny and input by the association with the view to enhancing the geographical, historical, environmental, agricultural, and residential character of the area.
3) When does your group meet?
The executive meets monthly from September to June and we hold an AGM usually in April or May.
4) What is your geographical jurisdiction with respect to the Colquitz watershed?
The NQCA is located entirely within the Colquitz Watershed. The land to the northeast of a line running from Christmas Hill to Beckwith Park drains east via Beckwith Pond and Creek into Blenkinsop Lake and then through Blenkinsop Creek to Swan Lake The northwest portion drains to the southwest via Gabo Creek, largely through pipes into Colquitz River.
5) What projects have you accomplished with respect to the Colquitz watershed?
Invasive species removal from Bruce Hutchison Park in 2014. Boulevard tree plantings from 2006 to present.
6) What are your current projects with respect to the Colquitz watershed?
Continued support for tree plantings and support for environmental stewardship groups in North Quadra. We are supporting the Peninsula Streams Society for the Blenkinsop Creek restoration at the BC Hydro Substation site.
7) How can others participate in your groups’ projects? Are there any requirements?
Volunteers are welcomed. Please contact NQCA.
8) How is your group funded?
We are funded through membership donations and grants from the Municipality of Saanich.
9) Contact info
See side bar to the left.