Amalgamated Conservation Society

The Amalgamated Conservation Society

ACS logo1) Who are you?

Amalgamated Conservation Society

2) What does your group do?

Originally incorporated as the Amalgamated Lower Islands Sportman’s Association on March 26th 1954, the organization became known as the Amalgamated Conservation Society with an official name change on February 5th, 1963. The society serves fresh water and salt water anglers and has eleven member clubs within the Capital Regional District of southern Vancouver Island. There are no individual memberships available.

The ACS was largely responsible for the formation in 1964 of the Sport Fishing Advisory Board which provides advice to the Federal Minister of Fisheries & Oceans Canada.

The ACS constructed the Howard English Goldstream Hatchery in 1982. The facility has been updated and expanded several times since then. Member clubs fed coho fry in Goldstream and chinook fry at several saltwater netpen sites in this area.

Our member clubs:
Clover Point Anglers’ Association
Colquitz Salmonid Stewardship & Education Society
Esquimalt Anglers’ Association
Goldstream Volunteer Salmonid Enhancement Association
Haig-Brown Fly Fishing Association
James Bay Anglers’ Association
Royal Canadian Navy Anglers’ Association
Sidney Anglers’ Association
Victoria Fish & Game Protective Association
Victoria Golden Rods & Reels
Westcoast Flyfishers Association

3) When does your group meet? Please include board meetings.

The Amalgamated Conservation Society meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month (except July and August) at 7:30 p.m. in the Esquimalt Anglers Assn. Clubhouse, 1101 Munro Street, Victoria, B.C.

4) What is your geographical jurisdiction with respect to the Colquitz watershed?

Our jurisdiction is not restricted; it includes all of the Colquitz watershed.

5) What projects have you accomplished with respect to the Colquitz watershed?

Several of the member clubs have worked on the watershed and continue to do so.

6) What are your current projects with respect to the Colquitz watershed?

The ACS, per se, has no current projects within the watershed.

7) How can others participate in your groups’ projects? Are there any requirements?

8) How is your group funded?

Club membership dues and grants.

9) Contact info: email and/or website

Amalgamated Conservation Society
1101 Munro Street
Victoria, BC V9A 5P2

President: 250-478-1306
Secretary-Treasurer: 250-382-8502