Gorge Tillicum Community Association
We are the community association for the Gorge Tillicum neighbourhood.
Our board meets the 1st Thursday of every month except July and August. Other meetings depend on which committee is meeting.
The Gorge Tillicum neighbourhood includes Cuthbert Holmes Park which is the mouth of the Colquitz Watershed which then empties into Portage Inlet and the Gorge Waterway.
We are very involved with the home heating fuel oil issue and commissioned the UVic Environmental Law Society to provide us with a report understanding what is going on and how to prevent future occurrences. We support the fish counting fence and have worked with Saanich Parks staff to create a new management plane for Cuthbert Holmes Park. We also support the Friends of Cuthbert HolmesĀ Park.
Management Plan for CHP and continued support for the fish counting fence.
Basic community association funding from Saanich plus our own fundraising activities.
Contact page on website.