Victoria Fish and Game Protective Association

Conserving fish, wildlife and habitat for generations to come.

VFGPA-logo1) Who are you?

Victoria Fish and Game Protective Association

2) What does your group do?

A genuine conservationist is one who actively participates in our great outdoors and has a moral mission to conserve its fish and wildlife and their habitat. We, at the Victoria Fish and Game Protective Association are committed to ensuring the healthy survival and abundance of our fish and wildlife for generations to come.
The VFGPA was incorporated on June 16, 1919. A log clubhouse is the centrepiece of our facilities which encompass approximately 213 acres located near the Malahat summit. Various shooting ranges accommodate a membership which stood at 3200 at year end 2014. The Victoria Fish & Game is a member of the B.C. Wildlife Federation.

3) When does your group meet? Please include board meetings.

General membership meetings are held September through June at 7:00 PM on the third Monday of each month in the Strawberry Vale Community Hall. Board meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7:30 PM at the Esquimalt Anglers’ lounge on Munro Street.

4) What is your geographical jurisdiction with respect to the Colquitz watershed?

The involvement of the Victoria Fish & Game within the Colquitz watershed has been largely with the fish counting fence. Originally built in the early 1970’s to monitor searun Cutthroat trout, the fence was abandoned in the mid 1980’s. In 2001, the Victoria Fish & Game, in partnership with CERCA (Coastal Enterprise Resource Cooperative Association) and with the assistance of various government agencies and associations, the fence was rebuilt. This time the primary focus was on monitoring the Coho salmon run, but Cutthroat trout data was also to be collected.

The VFGPA monitored the fence from 2001 to 2008. In May 2013, a project proposal to rebuild and relocate the counting fence further upstream was accepted by the Canadian Wildlife Federation as a legacy footprint project in concert with their AGM held in Victoria June 5-9, 2013. A new site was chosen which would be upstream of the tidal boundary, reduce stress on the returning Coho and likely reduce the in-stream predation by seals.

5) What projects have you accomplished with respect to the Colquitz watershed?

The Association also provided volunteers to a two phase partnered project on Quick’s Pond to enhance habitat for fish and wildlife. Three channels were installed between the traditional creek and Quick’s Pond to allow water to once again flow freely between the creek and the pond. Extensive riparian planting of native trees and shrubs around the channeled area will provide shaded areas that should reduce invasive Canary Reed grass.

6) What are your current projects with respect to the Colquitz watershed?

7) How can others participate in your groups’ projects? Are there any requirements?

Should the VFGPA become involved in a project, others would be welcome pending necessary insurance coverage. Additionally, our members are available to assist other groups with their projects.

8) How is your group funded?

Funding is primarily provided through the sale of yearly memberships, day use passes, range rentals and donations.

9) Contact info: email and/or website

PO Box 93, Victoria BC V8W 2M1