Peninsula Streams Society
We are a non-profit environmental organization committed to environmental education and stewardship, stream and riparian restoration and habitat conservation. Since 2002, we have undertaken projects in most Saanich Peninsula watersheds, including: Chalet (aka Tatlow), Tseycum, Blue Heron, Reay, TenTen, Hagan, Tetayut (aka Sandhill), Tod, and the Colquitz watershed. We have three volunteer-run monthly water quality monitoring programs in the Hagan/Graham, Tetayut and Tseycum Creek Watersheds, in which we test mainly for fecal coliforms, heavy metals, nutrients and some physical parameters. We currently have two annual education programs, for Gr. 3 students (Watershed, Salmon Life-cycle and Tree Planting program) and Gr. 6 students (“Creatures of Habitat” – a full day of workshops, interactive theatre and hands-on ecological restoration work).
Board meetings are held four times a year, and our AGM is usually held in February. Join our mailing list to receive meeting updates and volunteer work-party invitations!
We work in many areas of the Colquitz watershed, in partnership with and support of many groups. Current areas of interest include: Swan, Blenkinsop, Goward, Elk/Beaver Lake, Gabo, and the mainstem.
In 2012 we helped the “Friends of Swan Creek Watershed” to form and will continue to support this active group with their extensive plans for stream restoration and salmon enhancement. In September 2014 we built six riffle/pool structures and salmon spawning habitat in three sections of this urban stream.
In 2014 we initiated a new group, the “Friends of Blenkinsop Creek”. We are supporting the “Goward Springs Watershed Stewards” with their multi-year riparian restoration of a 200m reach of Goward Springs that flows south-east towards Camosun Interurban College.
We sponsored the “Colquitz Coalition” workshop in March 2014 for stewardship, conservation & restoration groups in the Colquitz watershed.
We continue to liaise with the municipality and others to develop an Integrated Stormwater Management Plan (ISMP) for the Swan/Blenkinsop Watershed, which will help guide future restoration plans. Although some study has been undertaken in discrete areas of this watershed, a comprehensive study will consider ecological, hydrological, agricultural, engineering and societal factors to address stormwater issues.
We recently partnered with the “Victoria Golden Rod and Reels” to help develop a stewardship initiative around Elk Lake with the aim of improving poor lake water quality.
We continue to deliver our Gr. 6 education program, “Creatures of Habitat” to Gr. 6 Colquitz and Royal Oak middle school students and our Gr. 3 program to Cordova, Lochside and Mackenzie Schools.
Most of our projects are ongoing; see #5 above.
We welcome the participation of individuals, community groups, business and others in our collaborative projects! Volunteers can contribute in multiple ways: participating in invasive species removal, plantings, stream rebuilding, becoming board members, etc. We encourage you to join Peninsula Streams Society ($5 annual membership fee) to help cover the costs of volunteer insurance.
Government (provincial, municipal and federal), foundations, organizations, businesses, individuals.
250-363-6596 (Ian, Executive Coordinator), 250-363-6480 (Francesca, Stewardship Coordinator)